Gen. Pete Pace is the man who can stop a disturbing trend in Virginia politics...
2001: Democrat Mark Warner is elected Governor
2005: Democrat Tim Kaine is elected Governor
2006: Democrat Jim Webb is elected Senator
2008: ...
Pete Pace is the man we must turn to to ensure that John Warner's seat stays in Republican hands in 2008. Out of all the potential candidates on the GOP side, Pete Pace would be the strongest candidate against Mark Warner, who casts himself as a conservative Democrat. Moderate Republican candidates will not be able to rally the base. As some are quick to forget, there is more to Virginia than NoVa. NoVa elites who think moderate Republicans represent Republicans throughout the Commonwealth are misinformed. Draft Pete Pace.
Sorry guys, we called "dibbs" on him over at the Fred Thompson campaign already.
Why should a stand up patriot like Peter Pace serve in the Senate Circus when he can make a difference as the Vice President to a stand up President like Fred Thompson.
We Tennessee boys know the right thing when we see it.
God Bless America!
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